industrial background
















The Phase Perfect® digital phase converter supplies power to some of the most demanding industrial applications available under the most challenging conditions imaginable. Over 20 years of development has resulted in a robust and proven phase conversion technology, capable of powering any load.

Hard-starting motors demand maximum output along with overcurrent protection. Delicate embedded electronics, which are getting more common by the day, demand perfectly balanced voltage always, no matter what the demands are on the rest of the system.

No other phase conversion technology can supply the brute force required to start the most demanding loads while protecting everything down to the smallest integrated circuit from damage. The Phase Perfect® uses modern microprocessor-controlled electronics to continuously adapt to changing conditions.

Don't subject your expensive equipment to improper phase timing and voltage imbalance inherent in dated phase conversion technologies. Get utility-quality power with Phase Perfect.

An embedded microprocessor constantly ramps up or down based on the needs of the attached equipment. Full power is there when you need it without any wasted energy when you don’t. High efficiency underload and extremely low power utilization when not loaded add up to big cost savings compared to other phase conversion technologies.

Phase Converter

Phase Converter

230 & 460 V

230 & 460 V



7.5 - 175 HP

7.5 - 175 HP

Made In The USA
Made In The USA
Simple Installation
Simple Installation
508A Panel Shop
508A Panel Shop
(Options Available)
98.7% Efficient At Full Load
98.7% Efficient At Full Load

product highlights

The Phase Perfect uses modern solid-state electronics to create utility-quality three-phase, capable of powering any load up to the stated horsepower - including the motor and the machine's delicate embedded electronics. Unlike the competition, no derating is required.

98.7% efficient at full load

Low standby losses compared to rotary

Common Applications

Commercial and Industrial Equipment

Large Workshops

CNC Machine



Heavy Machinery

common applications image
Panel Shop Options
NEMA 3R Outdoor Enclosure
On/Off Switch
Surge Protection
MCCB Service Disconnect
Extended Warranty
PT Annual Savings Calculator

Horsepower rating of largest or combined load that will be connected to the Phase Perfect®

The cost in cents per kilowatt/hour your utility charges you for electricity usage. You can estimate costs for your region by looking at the Average Price Chart on eia.gov.

Weeks per Year
Days per Week

Number of weeks per year and days per week you anticipate needing 3 Phase power available. For example: a business with typical operating hours might be 50 weeks per year and 5 days per week, while an elevator installation would require 52 weeks per year and 7 days per week.

Hours Per Day

The number of hours per day you anticipate not drawing a significant 3 Phase load. For example: a typical business might not draw a significant load right away in the morning, during breaks, or over the lunch hour, while an elevator might be idle 20 or more hours per day.

Typical woodworking or machine shop installation, estimated annual savings with Phase Perfect® versus Rotary:


 Phase Perfect®Rotary Converter
Starting Load Horsepower2040
Standby Power Consumption80W2260W
Idle Power Cost$11.20$316.40
PT models
Input Voltage: 230
ModelHorsepowerRated VoltageMax InputMax OutputBuy
PT0077.523045 A26 A
PT0101023062 A36 A
PT02020230111 A64 A
PT03030230165 A95 A
PT04040230225 A130 A
PT05050230286 A165 A
PT06060230329 A190 A
PT07575230416 A240 A
Input Voltage: 460
ModelHorsepowerRated VoltageMax InputMax OutputBuy
PT407R7.546022 A13 A
PT410R1046032 A18 A
PT415R1546048 A27 A
PT420R2046055 A32 A
PT430R3046080 A46 A
PT440R40460105 A61 A
PT450R50460134 A77 A
PT460R60460157 A91 A
PT475R75460185 A107 A
PT4100R100460246 A142 A
PT4150R150460343 A198 A
PT4175R175460399 A230 A
PT documents