Phase Conversion Calculator

Compare the Cost Savings of a Phase Perfect® vs a Rotary Phase Converter

Generating three phase power using modern digital switching technology means an onboard microprocessor controls the entire process. This processor constantly adapts to changing conditions and ensures perfectly balanced output, just like utility power. Because a modern approach is used to generating three phase power there is very little waste in the form of motion or heat. Using a Phase Perfect® will save you money every month, estimate how much using the calculator below.

Horsepower rating of largest or combined load that will be connected to the Phase Perfect®

The cost in cents per kilowatt/hour your utility charges you for electricity usage. You can estimate costs for your region by looking at the Average Price Chart on

Weeks per Year
Days per Week

Number of weeks per year and days per week you anticipate needing 3 Phase power available. For example: a business with typical operating hours might be 50 weeks per year and 5 days per week, while an elevator installation would require 52 weeks per year and 7 days per week.

Hours Per Day

The number of hours per day you anticipate not drawing a significant 3 Phase load. For example: a typical business might not draw a significant load right away in the morning, during breaks, or over the lunch hour, while an elevator might be idle 20 or more hours per day.

Typical woodworking or machine shop installation, estimated annual savings with Phase Perfect® versus Rotary:


 Phase Perfect®Rotary Converter
Starting Load Horsepower2040
Standby Power Consumption80W2260W
Idle Power Cost$11.20$316.40